BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Pacific South

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Services that Provide Trade Leads & Trade Events

Featured U.S. Exporters

Featured U.S. Exporters (or FUSE) is a directory of U.S. products featured on U.S. Commercial Services websites around the world. It gives your company an opportunity to target specific markets in the local language of business. Currently, listings are offered to qualified U.S. exporters seeking trade leads or representation in over 50 markets around the world. The nominal participation fee for one year (minimum $25) is based on the number of markets selected and translation requirements. You are required to choose at least 5 English language markets, or some other combination totaling $25 USD or more. Companies that wish to renew their listings may pay a reduced fee.

Want to see what a FUSE listing looks like? See this listing created for a U.S. manufacturer seeking a distributor for the Chinese market (note the text has been translated to the local language of business in China).

Sign-up now. Click here.

Show Time

Showtime is a service designed to help U.S. companies identify additional high-potential markets for their products while attending major Trade Shows. Showtime allows our clients to leverage their participation at a major trade event by meeting with Commercial Service Trade Advisor's from various countries to receive one-on-one counseling sessions on exporting to these markets.

Single Company Promotion

Our Single Company Promotion Service is designed to give a boost to any U.S. firm's efforts to launch a product or service overseas, find new customers, conduct a technical training program on their product or service, or otherwise get the word out about their capabilities. For a reasonable, our Commercial Service overseas staff will assist you to professionally organize an effective promotional event, including helping identify the right attendees from the overseas business community, locating a suitable venue, sending invitations, promoting the event, and performing other logistical support.

Here is what we provide for your Single Company Promotion fee:

  • Assistance with developing a custom-tailored approach to arranging and promoting your company's event;
  • Identification of a suitable location, date and time for the event (room rental costs are extra);
  • Use of the Commercial Service logo on invitations to your event, assistance with having them printed and distributed, and RSVPs received;
  • Promotion of your event to relevant contacts in our industry sector databases;
  • Advice on other promotional channels to use, such as newspapers, Internet, trade magazines, and other broadcast and print media (at additional cost to you).

Trade Missions & Trade Shows

These events are organized to “match” U.S. clients with potential business partners in foreign countries. We will assist Small to Medium Enterprise's participation in officially recognized overseas trade events, ranging from low cost catalog exhibitions to trade missions, and participation in USA pavilions in foreign trade fairs.