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Report Coordination Office

About Us

Welcome to Report Coordination

Mission: It is our mission to support the acceleration of scientific discovery through the collection and dissemination of scientific and technical works authored at LBNL.

All scientific and technical reports authored here at LBNL, at any LBNL located user-facility, or authored in collaboration with other facilities or laboratories, should be submitted to the Report Coordination Office (RCO). The submission of reports is a contractual requirement of DOE funders. For more information on this, please refer to the LBNL RPM (Regulations & Procedures Manual).

The LBNL Reports Submission System has been designed to require the minimum amount of information about your documents. Please be assured that any information requested is required by DOE.

To submit a report, view work in progress, and search the reports database go here.

More information about the system and a series of FAQs are available.

If you have any questions, please e-mail:

The LBNL Reports Coordinator is Jean Wolslegel, 510-486-6504.

Library Group Organization Chart

Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Last modified Wednesday, 04-Mar-09 07:45:46
