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LBNL CUCSA Delegate Role Definition and Selection Process

Position of Delegate

The delegate serves for a period of two years on the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA); one year as junior delegate, followed by a second year as senior delegate. Delegates provide a local staff perspective on matters of importance to both staff UC-system wide as well as issues before The UC Board of Regents. CUCSA does not participate in discussions and deliberations on matters of collective bargaining.
LBNL delegates to CUCSA are sponsored by Vera Potapenko, Human Resources (HR) Department Head. The HR Department pays for CUCSA-related travel. Release time to attend meetings and conduct CUCSA-related business is covered by the delegate's division/department.


Full-time, non-represented career staff, with at least five years of career experience with satisfactory performance at the University of California, are eligible for the position of delegate.
From the time of appointment and throughout the term of appointment the staff advisor must maintain a full-time career position and continuous satisfactory performance with the University of California.

Application Process

Staff meeting the eligibility requirements may apply for the position of delegate. Applicants for the position must complete the application form and respond to essay questions.
Completed applications must be submitted to Jeffrey Troutman (MS80R0114) no later than Wednesday, April 30.

Selection Criteria

The candidate for the position of delegate should:

  • Possess a broad knowledge of LBNL and the University of California,
  • Possess a broad understanding of staff needs and interests,
  • Exhibit the ability to consider and speak to issues from varied perspectives,
  • Demonstrated strong communication and analytical skills, and
  • Commit to attend meetings and participate fully in the quarterly meeting of CUCSA and participate on CUCSA committees.

2008-2009 Junior Delegate Application and Selection Timeline – (updated for immediate appointment)

  • August 28: Issue call for delegate applications
  • September 15: Applications due to Stefano De Santis (MS 71R0259)
  • September 15 – September 19: Applications reviewed by current Berkeley Lab CUCSA delegates; finalists selected and interviewed
  • September 26: New delegate announced
  • September 26: Selected individual assumes the role of Junior CUCSA Delegate for LBNL

Download the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
CUCSA Delegate Application

Application deadline is Monday, September 15, 2008.
For more information, contact

Last updated: September 2, 2008