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Report Coordination Office

Reports Catalog

Our Reports Catalog is now available for searching and submission of new reports. To use this catalog, you will need an LBNL LDAP account for logging in and password. If you do not have an LDAP account please contact the Help Desk. If a report is currently being processed, or is in a period of exclusive availability, you will not be able to see it unless you are the submitter or the designated contact. If a report has been indicated it is publicly viewable to all, you will be able to see the report. An expanded catalog search function will be available soon, expected in summer of 2008, to the general public, from our LBNL Library OPAC, or Online Public Access Catalog.

Full text reports from the old system have been migrated to the new Reports Catalog. Researchers may search in the new system for older reports, submitted previously.

In addition, bibliographic information from earlier years, prior to 1998, when e-submissions were initiated, may be searched in the new system. Full text reports from these records will be available by request. These were previously only available within within the Library, as index cards; 30,000 records were added.

This will allow a broader online access to the full research data produced at LBNL over the past 40 years. Please utilize the navigation panel on the left of the submission screen to search for reports. You may also save your searches for later reference. Indicate whether you want to search full text of reports, or just the bibliographic data, such as author, title of the paper, etc. For help, please e-mail

To submit a new paper, use the Submit Report button on the left, here.

For more detailed information or a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) go here.

Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Last modified Monday, 25-Aug-08 07:50:22
