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What is a Commodity Classification, when do I need one, and how do I get one?

All commodities, technology or software subject to the licensing authority of BIS are included in the Commerce Control List (CCL) which is found in Supplement 1 to Part 774 of the Export Administration Regulations. On the CCL, individual items are identified by an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). To determine licensing requirements, you must first classify your item to determine if it is on the CCL.

To classify your product, you should begin with a review of the general characteristics of your item. This will usually guide you to the appropriate category on the CCL. Once the appropriate category is identified, you should match the particular characteristics and functions of your item to a specific ECCN. (See "Do I Need an ECCN" for additional information)

You can also request an official commodity classification from BIS. A commodity classification request requires the submission of an application and technical specifications of your commodity, software or technology to BIS. To submit a commodity classification request, use the Simplified Network Application Process Redesign (SNAP-R) system. For instructions on obtaining a Company Identification Number and PIN to access the on-line SNAP-R system, go to www.bis.doc.gov/snap/pinsnapr.htm

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