Scientific Name
Asclepias tuberosa

Common Name
Butterfly weed

Life Cycle: Perennial

Height: 1 to 3 feet
Flower/fruit: Cluster of orange-yellow to orange-red flowers; flower has five sepals, five petals, and five stamens; 4 to 5 inch spindle-shaped seed pod
Flowering Season: Summer
Foliage: Lance-shaped to narrowly egg-shaped leaves scattered singly along the stem; 1 to 4 inches long; reclining, ascending to somewhat erect, hairy stems that branch toward the summit
Site: Average, well-drained soil; sun to partial shade; dry fields, rocky open slopes, roadsides
Comments: Stem does not have a milky sap

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© Erv Evans, Consumer Horticulturist
Shoprights NC State University
Images © by Erv Evans