Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad--Bilateral Projects

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Who May Apply: (by category) Individuals (as described below)

For the Seminars Abroad

  • Elementary school teachers;
  • Middle or high school educators in the fields of social sciences, humanities, including languages;
  • Administrators or curriculum specialists who have responsibility for curriculum in the fields of social sciences, humanities, including languages;
  • Librarians, museum educators or media or resource specialists who have responsibility for curriculum in the fields of social sciences, humanities, including languages; and
  • Faculty or administrators from public or private, two- or four-year institutions of higher education whose discipline is related to humanities, languages, and/or area studies.

Basic Eligibility Requirements:

  • Citizenship - must be a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident.
  • Academic Preparation - must hold at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
  • Professional Experience - (1) must have at least three years of full-time experience by the time of departure for the seminar; (2) must be currently employed full-time in a U.S. school system, institution of higher education, local education agency, state education agency, library, or museum; (3) must be currently employed full-time in a teaching position at the level for which the candidate is applying.
  • 50 Percent Rule - Applications are accepted from those who teach two half-time permanent positions in two different institutions, teaching at the same or similar education levels. You must provide documentation that both positions add up to the equivalent of a full-time position.
  • Health - The candidate must be physically and psychologically able to participate in all phases of the seminar. Award recipients must provide a physician's statement to reflect participant's readiness for travel.
  • Suitability and Adaptability - The applicants’ suitability and adaptability are assessed through the evaluation criteria and letters of reference.
  • Those individuals who have participated in the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program, Group Projects Abroad Program or Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund must wait two summers before they can be eligible to participate again.
  • Individuals may receive only four (4) short-term Fulbright-Hays awards in their lifetime.


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Last Modified: 08/19/2009