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Navigating the Information Thicket

Library Journal covered the third and final public meeting of the LOC-led Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control. The group�s charge is to:

* Present findings on how bibliographic control and other descriptive practices can effectively support management of and access to library materials in the evolving information and technology environment
* Recommend ways in which the library community can collectively move toward achieving this vision
* Advise the Library of Congress on its role and priorities

Deanna Marcum, LOC�s Associate Librarian for Library Services, probably summed up the challenges facing the Library of Congress best in the story�s closing paragraph:

�[I]n the era of the Web, user expectations are expanding but funding is not. Thus, things need to be done differently, and we will be measuring success as never before,� Marcum said.

Written testimony needs to be submitted to the working group by July 31. The group is expected to issue its findings in November.

(Misdirected link in original post has been since corrected.)

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