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Student Field Trip Experience
(10-40 students)

Photo of Global Health Odyssey

Student visitors take in the Global Symphony while being welcomed by Global Health Odyssey Museum director, Judy Gantt.

Photo students in lab suits

Students MD Stekis,Berkmar High School and Maheen Shermohammed, Brookwood High School, try on the Biosafety Level 4 lab suits.

Length of visit: Approximately 2 hours
Group Size: 10-40 students

What to Expect

The large school group field trip experience is available for groups of 10-40 seventh-twelfth graders. During the field trip, students will learn about CDC’s history, CDC’s current work in preventing disease and promoting health, and detailed information about various infectious diseases. Upon arrival to the Global Health Odyssey Museum, the group will be greeted and oriented to CDC on the Global Symphony platform. The Global Symphony is a media installation featuring three, three-minute stories that describe CDC’s contributions to the elimination of polio, an historic Legionnaires’ disease outbreak, and the battle to stem the rise of obesity in the United States. Following the orientation, students will be divided into two smaller groups. One group will tour the exhibit area while the other group watches a video about CDC. Approximately 40 minutes later the groups will trade places.

Tours include the current temporary exhibit and GHO Museum’s permanent History of CDC exhibit. For information on the current temporary exhibit, click here. Through the context of the history of CDC exhibit, students will learn about infectious and chronic diseases studied at CDC, the bacteria, viruses and risk behaviors that cause diseases, and prevention methods like immunization and healthy lifestyles.

Following the guided tour and video presentation, students will have the opportunity to try on a Biosafety Level 4 lab suit and explore the exhibit area independently.

Teacher Instructions. Additional information regarding parking and security will be sent via email in a field trip confirmation email.

Prior to Visit

During Visit

After Visit


Page last modified: July 27, 2009