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Bradford Island Levee Repairs Continue, No Threat to State’s Water Supply
Work to repair a damaged levee in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta will continue until at least tomorrow. The Department of Water Resources (DWR) reports the risk of a levee breach on Bradford Island has been significantly reduced by the repairs and there is currently no threat to local and State water supply. (08/29/2009)
arrow1.gif DWR Announces Lake Oroville Youth Event
arrow1.gif Governor Schwarzenegger Speaks at the Groundbreaking for the Star Bend Setback Levee
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CA Water Plan

Public Review Draft, CA Water Plan Update 2009 Highlights The Public Review Draft of California's Water Plan Update 2009 is now available online for review and comment. Workshops will be held in Spring. Comments are due by June 5, 2009.




Delta Waterway DWR is the state lead in preparing the environmental review for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan. The EIR/EIS evaluates the impacts of BDCP, including studies on new conveyance and ecosystem restoration.



California's Drought

dry pic California is in its third year of serious drought. The Governor has declared a statewide emergency due to water shortages and economic impacts. Find detailed information on conditions and assistance.



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