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V. Program Funding Sources

La SerpentinaA. G. O. Bond Funds - (1% for Art Funds): The funds that provide the basic source for projects of the City's Public Art Program are those referred to as the 1% for Art Funds. This refers to the set aside of 1% of the costs for capital projects funded by voter-approved General Obligation Bonds. The 1% funds are to be used for the acquisition and installation of artworks for a facility of the same department as specified by the bond purpose. No more than twenty percent and no less than fifteen percent of the total amount for works of art may be expended for the administrative costs of the program.

B. Revenue Bond Funds: Another major funding source for City construction and, therefore, for public art acquisitions is revenue bond funds. These funds may include the 1% Art provision if the bond ordinance authorizing revenue bonds or other appropriate authority permits the applicability of the 1% for Art set aside. In compliance with the Art in Municipal Places Ordinance, funding for acquisition of art at the Sunport shall be equal to one percent of bond funded capital budgets for the airport.

C. Urban Enhancement Trust Funds: The intent of The Urban Enhancement Trust Fund of the City of Albuquerque is to enhance and enrich the appearance and culture of the city . The interest earned on the Trust is utilized to finance the design, implementation and construction of urban enhancement projects which will enhance the beauty of common use areas of the city or which will enrich the city's cultural life. The Fund is guided through a separate citizens' committee which may recommend projects for funding to city officials for approval. Capital projects may be developed which include acquisition of Works of Art or aesthetic enhancement of public buildings or public spaces, or conservation and restoration of cultural assets, planned and managed in collaboration with the Public Art Program.

D. Other Funds - Public Sector or Private Sector: Participating funds for public art projects may be identified or solicited from other public sector agencies, foundations and granting bodies, businesses, organizations or individuals.

  1. The Program may seek private donations of funds or Works of Art or publicly awarded funds or other services including in-kind services or items necessary for the development of the Program.
  2. The Board shall recommend or deny approval of projects to the Mayor on the appropriateness of any contributions.
  3. Donation of funds and/or Works of Art are subject to the same administrative procedures and criteria, including User Department approval, as projects generated from City public funds.

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