US Dept of Interior/BLM logos
Scenic shot of waterfalls into lake Visual Resource Management Title
Title - maintaining the scenic beauty of public lands for the use and enjoyment of today's and tomorrow's generations
What is VRM?
BLM's Responsibilities
VRM System
Design Techniques
VRM Field Coordinators
Quote "If you foolishly ignore beauty, you'll soon find yourself without it...but if you wisely invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the dys of your life..." Frank Lloyd Wright
.BLM logo The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is entrusted with the care of 264 million acres of public lands containing many outstanding scenic landscapes. By law, BLM is responsible for managing these public lands for multiple uses. But BLM is also responsible for ensuring that the scenic values of these public lands are considered before allowing uses that may have negative visual impacts. BLM accomplishes this through its Visual Resource Management (VRM) system, a system which involves inventorying scenic values and establishing management objectives for those values through the resource management planning process, and then evaluating proposed activities to determine whether they conform with the management objectives. BLM has established VRM coordinators in each state and provides training in VRM so that this system is implemented effectively throughout the Bureau. The Bureau’s VRM system helps to ensure that the actions taken on the public lands today will benefit the landscape and adjacent communities in the future.

For more information about BLM’s VRM system, please contact the National Visual Resource Management Coordinator, Bureau of Land Management, 1849 C St NW (LS-302), Washington, D.C. 20240.
BLM’s National Training Center offers educational opportunities in VRM as well as other programs. Course descriptions, schedules, tuition information, and contacts are available at

Navigation - There are several ways to navigate this site

BLM National Homepage | NSTC Homepage | BLM Search | BLM Browse

VRM Point of contact: John
Technical Web Point of contact: NSTC Webmaster

Last modified: Monday, April 30, 2007.
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Bureau of Land Management
Washington Office - Recreation Group
1849 C Street NW (LS-302)
Washington D.C. 20240
(202) 785-6574
National Science and Technology Center (NSTC))
P.O. Box 25047 
Bldg. 50, Denver Federal Center
Denver, Colorado 80225-0047
(303) 236-2772