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Headline Story

Get Back to School on a Good Breakfast – Shop the Commissary

The American Dietetic Association says skipping breakfast is a real problem for more than 40 percent of girls and 32 percent of boys.  Children who eat breakfast in the morning tend to do better in school, including getting better grades on tests.  More...

Feature Articles

Everyday is a Back-to-School Tax Holiday at the Navy Exchange


The Navy Exchange helps to pay for service member college education through its A-OK Student Reward Program. Four times per school year. Back-to-school sales are a major source of funding for the system, accounting for more than 30 percent of their business each year.   More...

A Plan for the Big Yellow Busses


The Department of Health and Human Services is encouraging families of bus-ridding students to work with their school district to develop and implement a plan that promotes safety for bus transportation. A simple plan will optimize safety by protecting students and will help to avoid delays.  More...

What and How Much After School Activity

Do schools need an extended school day, where after-school programs can help students hone their academic skills or participate in hands-on learning activities? Should children spend more time after school in structured, educational activities or in physical activity?  More...


Some Facts about Back-to-School Tax Holidays


The back-to-school sales tax holidays are popular in at least 15 states. The families of 33 million children are in need of help from year to year. For this reason sales-tax holidays are not just helpful, they are a must.  More...


Benefit Providers Group
The Navy Exchange Service Command BPG MWR Image TRICARE is the healthcare program for active duty and retired service personnel. Benefit Provider Group DECA Link
Hometown Connections

 Select the topics below for information and assistance in your  hometown. Find a lost buddy or renew your home state driver license online.

 -Personnel Locators
 -Navy Newsstand
 -Navy/Marine Corps Relief Society
 -American Red Cross
 -Armed Services YMCA
 -State and Local Governments on the Web


Echoes Combat Stress Video  




Family Life resources

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Naval Services Familyline


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Military Spouse Corporate Career Network

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 Web Content Managers Best Practices Award



LIFELines: The Official Quality of Life delivery network of the Department of the Navy, serving Sailors, Marines, and their families.

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