Great Lakes Region, Chicago and Dayton

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Assistance Links

We have performed a large number of targeted and technical assistance projects for Federal agencies in the past several years, both large and small.

Need More Information?

Contact one of our Senior Records Analysts to describe your situation and the help you're looking for.

Assistance & Advice

Do personnel in your office:

  • need help managing e-mail or web content?
  • have problems locating electronic files created in the course of business?
  • need records or information management instruction tailored to your agency?
  • create records not listed in your agency records schedule?
  • feel like records are taking over your office?
  • have difficulty deciding what records to dispose of and what to keep?

How much would you pay for professional help to solve your records management problems, or even just identify opportunities for improvement? Imagine paying nothing!

Our staff of Records Management professionals offers technical assistance services, often at no cost to your agency. We will:

  • come to your office,
  • meet with you,
  • listen to your needs,
  • research possible solutions, and
  • offer realistic strategies for improvement.

You know your business requirements better than anyone else. We know records management. Through strategic partnership we can improve the management of your agency's records, both electronic and paper.

Informal assistance can be a one-time event, quickly concluded with a brief report and advice. More often, we enter into an agreement with an agency to provide more intensive help under an initiative called "Targeted Assistance."

What is Targeted Assistance?

Targeted Assistance is a partnership between your agency and the National Archives. It is designed to solve your records management challenges. Partnerships are customer-driven and project-oriented.

How does it work?

Together we develop a project with a well-defined purpose, tangible products, and a time frame for completion, spelled out in a Memorandum of Understanding. Some projects can be finished in just a few days. Others may require a year and more to complete.

What does the National Archives provide in the partnership?

We provide a records analyst with years of records management experience. This person meets with you to review your situation. Together, we prepare a plan for guidance and assistance. This could include records management training tailored to your needs, imaging/digitization planning, records inventorying/scheduling, office file plan development, and more.

  • Our Services page might remind you of areas in which you, too, could use help.

What does a partner agency contribute?

You facilitate project success by providing staff time, local experience, and coordination within your offices.

Can my local field office apply, or just someone at headquarters?

Many records management problems are unique to one location; others are region-wide or agency-wide. We are happy to provide assistance wherever a solution can be crafted and implemented. In short, we will meet you where you are. Just ask!

What does it cost?

You pay nothing for our National Archives staff's time. What a deal!

  • You may be asked to subsidize travel costs.
  • If the project involves training, you may be asked to pay for training materials and provide logistical support.

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Types of Targeted Assistance Projects

Targeted Assistance projects are designed to help you, the Federal customer, manage your records. Projects may include:

  • Electronic Records — Need help managing your e-mail? Having problems locating and using older electronic files? Looking to develop your own—or purchase off-the-shelf—software to manage your information? We advise agencies on standards and best practices for electronic recordkeeping systems. We also provide practical guidance on critical electronic records issues such as system backup and legacy data management.

  • Records Schedules — Have questions about how to use your agency records control schedules? Are there records in your office that aren't included in your schedules? We can help train your staff and schedule your records.

  • Records Disposition — Are records taking over your office? Do you need more space? Do you know how to store or destroy your records legally? We can help you apply proper disposition practices to your records.

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General Technical Assistance Services

Short-term assistance can be accomplished more speedily and without a formal agreement.

Examples include:

  • development of records management policies and procedures

  • guidance on disposing of old records

  • facilitating transfers of permanent records to the National Archives

  • development of retention schedules for a single series of records

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272