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Mars Rover Image Releases
this is a stereo panorama of the surrounding Martian terrain in Gusev Crater.
Sweeping View of the
This view is the left-eye member of a stereo pair presented in a cylindrical-perspective projection.
Sweeping View of the "Columbia Hills" and Gusev Crater (Left Eye)
This view is the right-eye member of a stereo pair presented in a cylindrical-perspective projection
Sweeping View of the "Columbia Hills" and Gusev Crater (Right Eye)
This image shows a field of view just under 180 degrees from left to right, with the panoramic camera
Sweeping View of the
View of the 'Columbia Hills'
Sweeping View of the 'Columbia Hills' and Gusev Crater (False Color)
This synthetic image was produced using 'Virtual Presence in Space' technology
Opportunity Inside 'Endurance Crater' (Simulated)
This image combines visualization and image processing tools with Hollywood-style special effects.
Opportunity on 'Burns Cliff' (Simulated)
Near the center of the panorama, on the horizon, are 'McCool Hill' and 'Ramon Hill'
Descent from the Summit of 'Husband Hill'
Near the center of the panorama, on the horizon, are 'McCool Hill' and 'Ramon Hill'
Descent from the Summit of 'Husband Hill' (False Color)
This chart illustrates the variation in available solar power
Solar Power on Mars
This graph shows the effects of those panel-cleaning events
Solar-Panel Dust Accumulation and Cleanings
This image shows the route that NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit
Spirit Traverse Map, Sol 680
This image shows the route that NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity
Annotated Opportunity Traverse Map
This image shows the route that NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity had driven
Partway to 'Victoria'
This panorama provided the team's first view of the
Summit Panorama with Rover Deck
Martian moon Phobos entering the shadow of Mars
Spirit Movie of Phobos Eclipse, Sol 675
This view is a time-lapse composite of images taken 20 seconds apart.
Spirit View of Phobos Eclipse, Sol 675
Meteor Search by Spirit, Sol 643
Meteor Search by Spirit, Sol 643
The image shows star trails, linear streaks,  dots and splotches that are the trails left by cosmic rays hitting the camera detectors.
Meteor Search by Spirit, Sol 668
The view is a southward-looking portion of a larger panorama still being completed.
Partial 'Seminole' Panorama (False Color)
This view combines four frames from Spirit's panoramic camera.
'Algonquin' Outcrop on Spirit's Sol 680
An outcrop called 'Olympia' along the northwestern margin of 'Erebus' crater.
Opportunity's 'Olympia' Panorama
This image shows a portion of the rim of
Rim of 'Erebus'
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