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Border 2012/Frontera 2012 logo

U.S.-Mexico Environmental Program (Border 2012) is a collaboration between the United States and Mexico to improve the environment and protect the health of the nearly 12 million people living along the border. The bi-national program focuses on cleaning the air, providing safe drinking water, reducing the risk of exposure to hazardous waste, and ensuring emergency preparedness along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Border 2012 is a results-oriented program that takes a “bottom-up” approach to addressing the environmental and public health needs of the border region.  Issues and projects are identified and implemented at the local level.  The program encourages stakeholder involvement through a variety of opportunities (see How to Get Involved).

Border News

hazmat student A Groundbreaking First Between the U.S. and Mexican Governments - Personal protective suits, multi-gas meters, and related hazardous materials (HAZMAT) response equipment were transferred to Mexico under an innovative Border 2012 bi-national collaboration.
Feature Story & Pictures

Save the Date: U.S.-Mexico Border 2012 National Coordinators' Meeting
The 2009 U.S.-Mexico Border 2012 National Coordinators’ meeting will be held on October 27-29 at the Harrah’s Rincon hotel in Valley Center, CA, near San Diego, CA. Please visit the registration site Exiting EPA (disclaimer) for more information about meeting registration and hotel registration. The last day to register at the hotel is October 6, 2009.

Funding Assistance 2009 Request for Proposals, Region 9 & Region 6 Border 2012 Program. Submission no longer being accepted

Border Toxics Release Inventory Data
California-Mexico Border: English (PDF) (2 pp, 85K, About PDF) | en Español (PDF) (2 pp, 89K)
Arizona-Mexico Border: English (PDF) (2 pp, 85K) | en Español (PDF) (2 pp, 85K)

Metales y Derivados

Completely updated, the new Waste Forum Web area now includes land contamination topics, including e-waste, solid waste, hazardous waste, contaminated waste, spent batteries and used oil, as well as much more information on scrap tires.

Metales y Derivados Celebration! Cleanup of the Metales y Derivados, a former Tijuana lead smelter

Updated bulletins: Improving Air Quality in Arizona-Sonora

Measuring Conditions and Progress (Indicators) updated with content from the State of the Border Region Indicators Report 2005

US-Mexico Border 2012 Program Web Site
What is Border 2012?
Learn about how the program was developed, who the people along the border are, what the environmental goals are and how the program is organized.
Environmental Issues
Learn more about the needs along the U.S.-Mexico border
Where You Live -
Regional Workgroups
   ~ California-Baja California
   ~ Arizona-Sonora
   ~ New Mexico-Texas-Chihuahua
   ~ Texas-Coahuila-Nuevo León-Tamaulipas
Border-wide Workgroups
   ~ Environmental health
   ~ Compliance & Enforcement
   ~ Emergency Preparedness and Response
Binational Policy Fora
   ~ Air
   ~ Water
   ~ Hazardous and Solid Waste
Border Infrastructure Projects
Addressing high priority water and wastewater infrastructure needs.
Meetings and Events
Get date and time information for all Border 2012 meetings and events
Getting Involved
Task Forces in your area that meet to set priorities and implement projects
Measuring Conditions and Progress
How we track and ensure environmental progress
Reports and newsletters
Binational Directory
Border 2012 program and partner contact information

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