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CDC's National Center on
Birth Defects and Developmental
Disabilities & Autism Speaks
invite you to join us for a presentation by:

Autism at Home and Around the World: Perspectives of a Father and Anthropologist

Thursday, April 23, 2009 | 6–8pm

Auditorium B
1600 Clifton Road, NE 
Atlanta, GA


Refreshments will be served
No charge to attend, open to the public

For additional information please contact
Melody Stevens at 404-498-3849 or sme1@cdc.gov



Roy Grinker is the father of a child with autism. He is also an anthropologist and he studies autism around the world- looking closely at the role culture plays in how societies identify and treat individuals with autism. In this presentation, Grinker will discuss what we can learn about autism diagnosis, care and advocacy from other cultures across the globe. Dr. Grinker will also describe his international research and will explain how this research has affected the choices his family has made in parenting his own daughter, Isabel. Is there an epidemic of autism? Is autism a disability or a disease? These are questions that Grinker will address by sharing his international research and his personal experiences.

Roy Richard Grinker is Professor of Anthropology, Human Sciences and International Affairs at the George Washington University. Grinker was born and raised in Chicago. He graduated from Grinnell College in 1983 and received his Ph.D. in SocialAnthropology at Harvard University in 1989. He is the author of numerous books and articles, including Unstrange Minds: Remapping the World of Autism (NY: Basic Books, 2007). He is currently completing the first ever prevalence study of autism in Korea, funded by Autism Speaks.

Presented by CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities and Autism Speaks, in collaboration with The Marcus Autism Center; Autism Society of America, Georgia Chapter; CADEF: The Childhood Autism Foundation.

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