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PubMed Redesign Presentation - Save The Date!

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Online Users’ Meeting at the 2009 Medical Library Association (MLA) annual meeting provided a preview of the upcoming PubMed redesign. David Gillikin, Chief of NLM’s Bibliographic Services, will reprise this preview for anyone who did not get to attend the users’ meeting in Honolulu. This 15 minute presentation will review the draft design for the new search results page and abstract view presented at MLA. David will remain on the session for questions and answers after the presentation, and it will be recorded for those unable to attend.

When: August 11, 2009 11:30 - Noon Pacific time (12:30 - 1:00 Mountain, 10:30 - 11 Alaska)


We will post a reminder to the HLIB-NW listserv on August 10th about the presentation and we look forward to seeing you there!

4 Responses to “PubMed Redesign Presentation - Save The Date!”

  1. Kukuh Noertjojo, MD Says:

    Dear Madam/Sir.
    I was if I am allowed to attend this webinar? unfortunately I am not a librarian or a member of the association eventhough my work involve a lot of library work (EBM).
    Thank you

  2. Nikki Dettmar Says:

    Yes, all interested PubMed users are invited to attend the presentation as the website link is not restricted.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    What is the presentation archive URL? Thanks.

  4. Nikki Dettmar Says:

    Hello! Our presentation has not yet happened, therefore we do not know what the archived recording URL will be until afterward. I will update this post with a link to the recording when that happens.

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