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Express Outreach Awards

NNLM PNR is currently accepting proposals for Express Outreach Awards. The Application for 2009-2010 Express Outreach Awards must be completed and submitted via email attachment by September 4, 2009. Applications will be reviewed as quickly as possible, and projects should begin in November 2009.

Express Outreach Program Goals:

  • To improve use of quality online health information resources by priority populations (as defined below);
  • To promote health information literacy in health education and health care;
  • To build or strengthen partnerships between network members and other community organizations;
  • To foster local health information expertise in community organizations;
  • To promote awareness and use of the products and services of the NLM and the NNLM.

Priority will be given to proposals involving outreach to:

  1. Public health workers, including personnel at government or community agencies;
  2. Emergency responders;
  3. Health professionals serving minority populations;
  4. Health professionals in rural areas, or those without adequate access to library and information services;
  5. Minority populations;
  6. K-12 public school teachers or school health personnel;
  7. Senior citizens;
  8. Low income populations; and/or
  9. Community or faith-based organizations.

A few examples of potential Express Outreach Award activities and strategies:

  • Training in effective use of electronic health information resources, with an emphasis on NLM databases including: PubMed, MedlinePlus,, Household Products Database, Partners in Information Access to the Public Health Workforce, Tox Town and more.
  • Conducting promotional activities, including health fairs, exhibits and demonstrations to increase awareness and use of technology applications and electronic resources.
  • Conducting hands-on training sessions at state conferences of health care providers (e.g. nurses, physician assistants) about skills to identify, access, retrieve, evaluate, and use relevant electronic health information resources for patient education.
  • Developing partnerships with a community organization, health department, or different library to increase the reach of a project (i.e. to reach seniors, low income or minority populations).
  • Developing partnerships with K-12 school librarians, health teachers, science teachers, and school nurses to introduce health related tasks into the curriculum.


  1. Applicants must be members of the NNLM PNR.
  2. Project personnel must have demonstrated experience using MedlinePlus and/or other NLM resources, or identify a project partner with this expertise.

Period of Performance:

Express award activities should be completed within 9 to 12 months of notice of award.

Reporting Requirement:

The project leader will submit to the NNLM PNR two short reports: a mid-project and a final report. The mid-project report is due at the halfway point of the award period and should include a summary of progress toward completing goals, modifications made to original project plan, a summary list of any training activities or exhibits conducted, lessons learned and plans for sustaining project activities. The final report is due within 30 days of the conclusion of the award period, and an outline for the final report will be provided. When training activities or exhibits are conducted as part of the project, an Outreach Activity Data Collection Form or Exhibit Report must be submitted within 30 days of the training or exhibit. These forms are linked from the Project Reporting Toolkit at In addition, the project leader must submit an article describing the project to the NN/LM PNR newsletter/blog, Dragonfly.


Maximum fixed price award is $12,000, to be paid incrementally at the time of the award and upon receipt of mid-point progress report and the final report.

In making awards decisions, the NNLM PNR will strive for diverse geographic distribution throughout the five states of the Northwest.

Application Instructions:

The application, Application for 2009-2010 Express Outreach Awards, must be submitted via email attachment to Cathy Burroughs, Associate Director, by September 4, 2009. Applications will be reviewed as quickly as possible, and projects should begin in November 2009.

For additional information contact:

Linda Milgrom, Outreach Coordinator,
Cathy Burroughs, Associate Director,

Telephone: (206) 543-8262, 1-800-338-7657 (within AK, ID, MT, OR, WA)