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CIA Home > Library > Reports > General Reports > Iraq WMD 2004

DCI Special Advisor Report on Iraq's WMD

image of report coverThis report relays the findings of the Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction.

The files comprising the PDF edition of this 1,000-page report are extremely large and, in practice, available only to visitors who have a broadband connection. The HTML edition is available to all, regardless of connection speed.

Please see the correction regarding Niro Atomizer Inc.

In March 2005, the Special Advisor added addenda to his original report:

Note for the Comprehensive Report with Addenda  [PDF17KB*]
Addenda to the Comprehensive Report  [PDF 705KB*]

HTML edition:

Volume 1

Charles Duelfer's Transmittal Message


Scope Note

Regime Strategic Intent

Regime Finance and Procurement

Regime Strategy and WMD Timeline Events

Volume 2

Delivery Systems


Volume 3

Iraq's Chemical Warfare Program

Biological Warfare

Glossary and Acronyms

Complete Table of Contents

PDF edition:

The files linked below are in PDF format*.

Key Findings  [PDF 194KB*]

Volume 1 [PDF 53MB*]

Volume 2 [PDF 76MB*]

Volume 3 [PDF 69MB*]


* Adobe® Reader® is needed to view Adobe PDF files. If you don't already have Adobe Reader installed, you may download the current version at (opens in a new window). [external link disclaimer]

Posted: Apr 22, 2007 08:16 PM
Last Updated: Jan 14, 2008 11:06 AM
Last Reviewed: Apr 22, 2007 08:16 PM