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FRONTLINE's the gulf war: an in-depth examination of the 1990-1991 persian gulf crisis
an oral historywar storiesweapons & technology
from tariq aziz to norman schwarzkopf, from colin powell to margaret thatcher, twenty top decision makers, military commanders, iraqis & analysts examine the war.
harrowing firsthand accounts of soldiers & pilots in the battlefield who were captured by the iraqis and interrogated. transcripts & audio.
the aircraft & ground systems, munitions and space operations employed in operation desert storm.
mapsvoices in the stormchronologyappendixdiscussiontapes & transcripts

explore more FRONTLINE reports on iraq and saddam hussein

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an oral history · war stories · weapons & technology · voices in the storm
maps · chronology · appendix · introduction · tapes & transcripts
FRONTLINE · wgbh · pbs online

This web site first published with the original broadcast
of "The Gulf War," on January 9, 1996.
web site copyright 1995-2008 WGBH educational foundation

The Gulf War

Marking the fifth anniversary of the war with Iraq, FRONTLINE investigates what really happened during the invasion of Kuwait, the months of diplomatic maneuvering, the air war and ground assault, and the post-war rebellion inside Iraq. The two-hour episodes are built around dozens of interviews with key political and military leaders in the U.S., its allies, and Iraq, as well as soldiers on both sides of the front line. Interviews include General Norman Schwarzkopf, General Colin Powell, former Secretary of State James Baker, former Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney, Britain's Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Jordan's King Hussein, and Israeli Premier Yitzahk Shamir.

published jan. 1996; last updated july 2002