Snow in southern Norway

  • Credit

    Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team,NASA/GSFC

Snow blankets southern Norway and central Sweden in this true-color >aHREF="" target="outlink">Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image acquired November 2, 2002, by the >aHREF="" target="outlink">Terra satellite. Norway’s capital, Oslo, is located at the northern end of the Oslofjorden,which opens into the Skagerrak Channel (lower right center). The Skagerrak separates Norway from Denmark, and connects to the Kattegat in the east(lower right). The Kattegat separates Denmark from southern Sweden. To the west of Denmark is the North Sea, while to the northwest of Norway is theNorwegian Sea.

Norway’s two largest fjords, highlighted by snow, are the Sagnefjorden, the country’s longest fjord at 204 km, and the Hardangerfjorden,which connects to the northeastern-pointing Sorfjorden. Norway claims 21,925 km of coastline, which includes the mainland, fjords, and tens ofthousands of islands. With arctic tundra in the north, high plateaus, mountains, and fertile plains in the interior, and temperate coastlines in thesouth, Norway is home to a range of climates and landscapes.


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