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Murals in the Great Experiment Hall

The Mayflower Compact, 1620
The Mayflower Compact, 1620
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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The Albany Congress, 1754 The First Continental Congress, 1774 The Declaration of Independence, 1776
Constitutional Convention   First Federal Congress
The Constitutional Convention, 1787
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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The First Federal Congress, 1789
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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Washington's Inauguration, 1789
Washington 's Farewell Address, 1796
Lincoln's Second Inaugural, 1865
The Monroe Doctrine, 1823 Lincoln's Second Inaugural, 1865
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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The Smithsonian Institution, 1855 The Library of Congress in the Capitol, 1800-1897
Women's Suffrage Parade, 1917
Iron Foundry, circa 1850 Steam Powered Amphibious Boat, 1804 Theodore Roosevelt, circa 1904 Women's Suffrage Parade, 1917
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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Murals in the Hall of Capitols

Historical Scenes

Capitol Site Selection Capitol Cornerstone Ceremony, 1793 British Burn the Capitol First Capitol Inauguration
Capitol Site Selection, 1791
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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Capitol Cornerstone Ceremony, 1793
Allyn Cox
Oil on canvas applied to the Ceiling
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British Burn the Capitol, 1814
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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First Capitol Inauguration, 1829
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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Rotunda 1862 Civil Rights Bill Passes, 1866
Old House Chamber, 1838 Rotunda During Civil War, 1862
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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New Dome Symbolizes Union, 1863 Civil Rights Bill Passes, 1866
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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Benjamin Henry Latrobe  Charles Bulfinch  Thomas U. Walter  Edward Clark 
Elliott Woods David Lynn J. George Stewart George M. White
Thomas Crawford Frederick Law Olmsted John Trumbull Pierre Charles L'Enfant
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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Ann Hutchinson
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas applied to the Ceiling
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