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1859 Elevation of the Dome  1859 Cross-Section of Dome and Rotunda Statue of Freedom and Tholos
Elevation of the Dome
Thomas U. Walter
Ink and watercolor
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Cross-Section of the Dome and Rotunda
Thomas U. Walter
Ink and Watercolor
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Statue of Freedom and Tholus
Thomas U. Walter
Ink and Watercolor
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Plan for Rebuilding North Wing of Capitol, No. 1 Plan to Rebuild North Wing of Capitol, No. V, Gallery Floor Design for Altering House of Reps. Design Proposed for the Hall of Representatives, U.S. Section from North to South

Plan for Rebuilding North Wing of Capitol, No. 1
Benjamin Henry Latrobe, Nov. 1806
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Plan to Rebuild North Wing of Capitol, No. V, Gallery Floor
Benjamin Henry Latrobe, Nov. 1806
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Design for Altering House of Reps.
Benjamin Henry Latrobe, April 26, 1815
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Design Proposed for the Hall of Representatives, U.S. Section from North to South
Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 1815
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Details of the Circular Entablature

Details of the Circular Entablature
Benjamin Henry Latrobe, Nov. 1816
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