Emergency Proceedures

Underway Shipboard Emergencies

Fire or Flooding

This policy applies to all ships in the NOAA fleet, see General Shipboard Policy Information.

Procedure for the Miller Freeman:

If fire or flooding is seen, pull the handle on the closest fire emergency pull-box, notify the bridge immediately and report the location and type of fire (combustible, electrical or flammable liquids) or extent of flooding. DO NOT attempt to handle the situation without first notifying the bridge.

Abandon Ship

This policy applies to all ships in the NOAA fleet, see General Shipboard Policy Information.

Man Overboard

Witnessed Man Overboard-Actions of the Witness

This policy applies to all ships in the NOAA fleet, see General Shipboard Policy Information.

Procedure for the Miller Freeman:

If someone is seen falling overboard, throw the nearest life ring, pass the word, "Man Overboard", indicating which side of the ship, and continue to point toward the victim until picked up.

Unwitnessed Man Overboard

This policy applies to all ships in the NOAA fleet, see General Shipboard Policy Information.

Drills at Sea

This policy applies to all ships in the NOAA fleet, see General Shipboard Policy Information.

Information for the Miller Freeman:

Conduct: It is of paramount importance that drills be conducted in an alert, conscientious fashion with attention given to potential flaws in emergency procedures. Any suggestions for improvement should be brought to the attention of the Damage Control Officer or XO immediately after securing from drills.

Procedures: All hands should read and understand all emergency procedures. Drills are established for fire and collision, abandon ship, and man overboard situations. Each person should know their station and be proficient in the duties assigned to them. Emergency station billets are posted in the main deck passageway (outside the ET shop) and in the Mess Deck passageway (by the Library). Your stateroom is equipped with a life jacket and survival suit for each occupant. Know where they are stowed and how to don them.

Frequency: Fire and abandon ship drills are conducted weekly; man overboard drills are conducted quarterly. Fire stations should be manned without life jackets. All hands should report to their abandon ship stations with their survival suit and wearing a hat, coat, gloves and life jacket.

Liferaft locations:

Liferafts 1, 3, 5 & 7
Starboard side, 01 Level (Boat Deck), forward of RHIB.
Liferafts 2, 4, 6 & 8
Port side, 01Level (Boat Deck), forward of work boat.

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•  Updated: April 13, 2009