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What research programs does NMML run?

NMML runs five research programs:  Systemic Management Studies , California Current Ecosystems, Alaska Ecosystems, Polar Pinniped Ecosystems, and the Cetacean Assessment and Ecology programs.  If you are interested in more program information, please view the NMML web site. 

Systemic Management Studies

NMML's Systemic Management Studies Program develops and provides scientific advice on ecosystem management with regard to management of renewable resources.  For example, the percentage of any one prey species eaten by an individual marine mammal species is being used as an empirical example of sustainable consumption rates that commercial fisheries could mimic. 

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California Current Ecosystems

California Current Ecosystem Program NMML staff study pinniped and cetacean community ecology and the effects of interactions with fisheries to determine the level of competition between marine predators and fishing activities in waters off Oregon and Washington. Most pinniped populations along the U.S. west coast are growing, quite rapidly. Harbor seal and California sea lions in the California Current rely heavily on Pacific whiting, herring, anchovy, and rockfish as food resources. Individual studies within this NMML research program address such issues as steelhead predation by "Herschel," the sea lion at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in Seattle; California sea lion and harbor seal predation on endangered stocks of Northwest salmon; and incidental take pinnipeds and harbor porpoise in Washington fisheries.

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Alaska Ecosystems

In the Alaska Ecosystems Program, NMML scientists are studying the depleted populations of northern fur seals and two stocks of Steller sea lions (one of which has been declining for over 20 years).   Scientists from this program investigate the impact of fisheries on the species by examining food habits, incidental take, entanglement, and possible ecosystem alteration.

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Polar Ecosystems

This program conducts research on the ecology, biology, and behavior of pinnipeds in Arctic and Antarctic marine ecosystems. A special focus of this program is on ice seals (for example, ringed, ribbon, bearded, and spotted seals in the Arctic; crabeater, leopard, and Ross seals) in the Antarctic and the factors that influence these populations' status and trends. Research on the status of ice seals in the Arctic is important because of the large number of animals killed annually by Native Alaskan subsistence hunters.

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Cetacean Assessment and Ecology

The Cetacean Assessment & Ecology Program of NMML has primary responsibility regarding the status of a number of cetacean species including beluga, gray, killer and humpback whales, harbor porpoise, and bowhead whales. NMML staff provides biological data to the International Whaling Commission on the recovery of the bowhead whale, gray whale, and humpback whale populations.  Surveys to determine and track abundances are conducted regularly to provide managers with the information needed to make sure that interactivities with commercial fisheries are not adversely affecting any stocks of cetaceans in Alaska waters.

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