[Federal Register: July 1, 1998 (Volume 63, Number 126)] [Notices] [Page 35924-35925] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr01jy98-79] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 11508-001] Alaska Power and Telephone Company; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Assessment and Conduct Public Scoping Meetings and a Site Visit June 25, 1998. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) has received an application from the Alaska Power and Telephone Company (AP&T) to license the Wolf Lake Hydroelectric Project, Project No. 11508-001. The proposed 2.2-megawatt project would be located on the east side of Prince of Wales Island along Twelvemile Arm, near Hollis, Alaska. The Commission intends to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the project in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. In the EA, we will objectively analyze both site-specific and cumulative environmental impacts of the project, and reasonable alternatives as proposed by AP&T, as well as, economic and engineering impacts. The draft EA will be issued and circulated to those on the mailing lists for this project. All comments filed on the draft EA will be analyzed by the staff and considered in a final EA. The staff's conclusions and recommendations presented in the final EA will then be presented to the Commission to assist in making a licensing decision. Scoping At this time, we are asking agencies, native Alaskans, non- governmental organizations, and individuals to help us identify the scope of environmental issues that should be analyzed in the EA, and to provide us with information that may be useful in preparing the EA. To help focus comments on the environmental issues, a scoping document outlining subject areas to be addressed in the EA will soon be mailed to those on the mailing list for the project. Those not on the mailing list may request a copy of the scoping document from the project coordinator, whose telephone number is listed below. Copies of the scoping document will also be available at the scoping meetings. Scoping Meetings Two scoping meetings will be held to hear comments on the project that could assist FERC staff in identifying the [[Page 35925]] scope of environmental issues that should be analyzed in the EA. A public meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, July 29, 1998, at the Hollis Public Library, in Hollis, Alaska. The agency scoping meeting will be held at 1:30 PM on Thursday, July 30, 1998, at the State Capitol Building, Governor's Conference Room, 3rd Floor, corner of 4th and Main Streets, Juneau, Alaska. The public and the agencies may attend either or both meetings, however. Objectives At the scoping meetings the staff will: (1) identify preliminary environmental issues related to the proposed project: (2) identify preliminary resource issues that are not important and do not require detailed analysis; (3) identify reasonable alternatives to be addressed in the EA; (4) solicit from the meeting participants all available information, especially quantified data, on the resource issues; and (5) encourage statements from experts and the public on issues that should be analyzed in the EA, including points of view in opposition to, or in support of, the staff's preliminary views. Procedures The scoping meetings will be recorded by a court reporter, and all statements will become part of the Commission's public record for the project. Individuals, organizations, and agencies with environmental expertise and concerns are encouraged to attend the meetings and assist the staff in defining and clarifying and issues to be addressed in the EA. Persons choosing not to speak at the meetings, but who have views on the issues or information relevant to the issues, may submit written statements for inclusion in the public record at the meetings. All written correspondence should clearly show the following caption on the first page: Wolf Lake Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 11508- 001. Comments and information are due to the Commission no later than August 31, 1998. Those with comments or information pertaining to this project should file it with the Commission at the following address: David P. Boergers, Acting Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20426. Intervenors--those on the Commission's service list for this proceeding (parties)--are reminded of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, requiring parties filing documents with the Commission, to serve a copy of the document on each person whose name appears on the official service list. Further, if a party or interceder files comments or documents with the Commission relating to the merits of an issue that may affect the responsibilities of a particular resource agency, they must also serve a copy of the document on that resource agency. Site Visit There will be a tour of the proposed project site on Tuesday, July 28, 1998, to familiarize concerned individuals with the project. Because of the absence of road access at the proposed project site, transportation to the project site would be via helicopter from a location to be identified in Hollis. Those interested in going on the site visit should call the AP&T contact, Mr. Greg Mickelson at (907) 826-3202 by July 21, 1998, for details. The trip is expected to last several hours. In the event of inclement weather or if we are unable to get to the proposed site on the scheduled date, the alternate site visit would be on Wednesday, July 29, 1998, at the same meeting place and time as the preferred scheduled visit. Any questions regarding this notice maybe directed to Mr. Carl Keller at FERC, (202) 219-2831. David P. Boergers, Acting Secetary. [FR Doc. 98-17428 Filed 6-30-98; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717-01-M