U.S. Census Bureau
Current Population Survey (CPS) Table Creator II (with Customizable Income and Poverty Definitions)
For the Annual Social and Economic Supplement Skip this navigation menu

The CPS Table Creator II gives you the ability to create customized tables from the Current Population Survey's Annual Social and Economic Supplement.

If you need access to other years of data, use the original version of the CPS Table Creator. Note that the customizable income and poverty definitions not available in the original version of CPS Table Creator. CPS Table Creator II has undergone a review more limited in scope than the original Table Creator.

  1. Year(s) of Data:

    Latest Year - Number of Years - Average or Separate

  2. Universe:

    Count of:

  3. Subsets:

    By State:
    By Sex:
    By Race:
    By Origin:
    By Age: Refer to "Age Ranges" in the Customized Formatting section.
    By Nativity:
    By Full-time/Part-time
    Worker Status:
    By Year-round/Part-year
    Worker Status:

  4. Define Your Table:

    Row Variables Column Variables Page Variable
    Help Help

  5. Statistics

    • Display statistics in:
    • Display the default sums:
    • Percentages by:
    • Display Unweighted Record Counts:
    • Additional numeric variable statistics:

    • Variable Statistics Decimals

  6. Customized Formatting:

    Age Ranges: Select a set of pre-defined age ranges or "Customize" to customize your own age groups by entering the age ranges you desire. Note that ALL ages above 80 are top-coded to a value of 80.

    Age Range - Minimum - Maximum

    Race: Select a set of pre-defined combinations.

    Income-to-Poverty Ratio Percent Cutoffs: Select (up to nine) cutoffs (if none are selected, will default to 100%):

      50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200%
      250% 300% 350% 400% 450% 500%  

    Income Ranges: Select a set of pre-defined income ranges.

    Poverty Status - Alternative and Household Income - Alternative: Refer to section 8 of this form.

  7. Appearance Issues:


  9. Customized Formatting for Alternative Poverty Measure Variables:

    This section applies ONLY to the Poverty Status - Alternative (complete both the Poverty Thresholds and Income Definition sections) and Household Income - Alternative (complete the Income Definition section) variables.

    • Poverty Thresholds

      Poverty Threshold Options    Price Adjustment Options * Geographic Price Difference Adjustment * Income Base for Relative Poverty Thresholds** Income-to-Poverty Ratio Percent Cutoff or Relative Poverty Thresholds Income Percent Cutoff ***
        * These adjustments do not apply to relative poverty thresholds. CPI-U-RS cannot be applied to CE-based thresholds. ** Applies only to relative poverty thresholds. *** Note that the percent cutoff concept varies between relative poverty thresholds and non-relative poverty thresholds.
    • Income Definition: Select a pre-defined income definition or "Customize" your own by checking the income components you desire. Income format for Household Income - Alternative will be the one selected in section 6, Customized Formatting.

      Selected Cash Market Income Sources
      Earnings (wages, salaries, and self-employment income)
      Interest income
      Dividend income
      Rents, royalties, estate, and trust income
      Non-government retirement pensions and annuities
      Non-government survivor pensions and annuities
      Non-government disability pensions and annuities
      Realized capital gains (losses)
      Government Nonmeans-tested Cash Income Sources
      Social Security
      Unemployment compensation
      Workers' compensation
      Veterans' payments other than pensions
      Government retirement pensions and annuities
      Government survivor pensions and annuities
      Government disability pensions and annuities
      Government Means-tested Cash Income Sources
      Public assistance (includes TANF and other cash welfare
      Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
      Veterans' pensions
      Federal earned income credit
      Taxes Deducted from Income
      Federal income taxes after refundable credits except EIC
      State income taxes after all refundable credits
      Payroll taxes (FICA and other mandatory deductions)
      Property taxes on owner-occupied housing
      Educational Benefits
      Government educational assistance
      Non-government educational assistance
      Government Means-tested Noncash Benefits
      SNAP - formerly Food Stamps
      Free and reduced-price school lunches
      Low-income energy assistance
      Public housing and rent subsidies AHS-based Estimates
      Public housing and rent subsidies FMR-based Estimates
      Fungible value of Medicaid
      Contributions from Outside the Household and Other
      Child Support
      Regular contributions from persons not living in the household
      Money income not elsewhere classified
      Other Noncash Income
      Imputed return to home equity on owner-occupied housing
      Regular-price school lunches
      Employer contribution to health care plans
      Fungible value of Medicare
      Expenditures Deducted from Income
      Medical expenses out-of-pocket
      Work-related expenses excluding child care
      Work-related expenses including child care
      Note: You may not select Work-related expenses excluding child care and Work-related expenses including child care at the same time.


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Contact the Demographic Call Center Staff at 301-763-2422 or 1-866-758-1060 (toll free) or visit ask.census.gov for further information on the Current Population Survey Table Creator.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: June 24, 2009

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