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State of Idaho Web Site


Your "Start Button" for Small Business Creation in Idaho

Welcome to Idaho Small Business Solutions

This site will help you start or grow your business in three important ways:

  • New to business or to Idaho? Start with the Business Wizard. It will give you a customized Checklist of local, state, and federal taxes and regulations that affect your business. You will also find information on licenses and permits you might need, as well as information on registering your business in Idaho and employee issues.

Click here to start the Small Business Wizard

  • The Resource Wizard will give you a customized Checklist of funding and other business development resources in your area.

  • The text, topic buttons (on the left), and tabs (at the top of the page) will provide answers to many common business questions.

    The What's New section below provides information on recent regulatory, licensing and tax changes that may affect your business and information on upcoming programs and workshops that may benefit your business.

If you find this site helpful, please send feedback so we can continue to meet your business needs. If you did not find the information you need, please let us know about that as well.

What's New for Idaho Small Businesses

  • World Trade Day 2009 May 5-6 in Boise. Presented by Export Idaho. For information and to register, visit

  • An Economy in Transition conference presented by TechHelp, Panhandle State Bank, Intermountain Community Bank and Magic Valley Bank. Cost is $99. Dates and numbers to call to register include: 
    May 7 - Twin Falls, call (208) 732-0151
    May 8 - Nampa, call (208) 454-2800
    May 12 - Sandpoint, call (208) 263-0505
    May 14 - Rathdrum, call (208) 687-5585

  • IRS Changes Reporting Requirements for Single Member LLCs with Employees - As of January 1, 2009 the IRS amended reporting requirements for single member LLCs with employees. Single member/single owner LLCs that have employees but have not elected to be treated as corporations may be required to change the way they report and pay federal employment taxes and wage payments and certain federal excise taxes. The LLC will also need to obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) if it does not have one. For information, visit,,id=98011,00.html.

  •  Family and Medical Leave Act Changes - New provisions to the Act took effect January 16th. If your business has 50 or more employees, you will need to be familiar with the changes. Information is available at

  • The Environmental Protection Agency recently instituted new air pollution compliance requirements for businesses that dispense gasoline, fabricate or finish metal products, strip paint or apply surface coatings, or polish or electroplate metal products. For information, visit

  • The Idaho Small Business Development Center at Boise State University has been awarded a Small Business Sustainability Initiative grant to fund projects offering energy efficiency assistance to small businesses. For information on how your business might qualify to receive an energy audit, call 208-426-3875.

This site is a major effort of the RIB Committee. Would you like the committee to address a particular business issue? Please click on the RIB logo for more information. Click here to learn about the RIB Committee.


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If you didn't find the information that you needed, please E-mail Us by using the tab at the top of the page.
If you have comments about the site, please send them to us by using the FeedBack tab at the top of the page.
  This site is maintained by
Idaho Small Business Development Center, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725-1655

This Web site has been brought to you by the combined efforts of more than 20 local, state, and federal agencies.  It was funded by a special grant from the USDA Rural Development, Rural Business-Cooperative Service.

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