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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children & Families
Office of Child Support Enforcement

PIQ-00- 01

DATE:    April 14, 2000

TO:          State IV-D Directors and Regional Program Managers

FROM:    David Gray Ross
                 Office of Child Support Enforcement

SUBJECT: Inclusion of the OMB Expiration Date on the Order/Notice to Withhold Income For Child Support

It has been brought to our attention that there is some confusion regarding the inclusion of the OMB Control Number and Expiration date on the Standardized Form: Order/Notice to Withhold Income for Child Support. The Federal form is required in all cases where income withholding is required, including IV-D, non-IV-D, interstate and intrastate. Income withholding is required for non-IV-D cases entered on or after January 1, 1994 and for all IV-D cases.

Several employers made contact with State IV-D offices to comment that the OMB control number and the expiration date on the form are confusing. It appears that the expiration date on the standardized form is being confused with the expiration date of the income withholding order.

Question: May the OMB expiration date on the Order/Notice to Withhold be moved to the bottom of the form?

Answer: Yes. The OMB expiration date on the Order/Notice to Withhold may be moved to the bottom of the form, but must be displayed on the front page.

Regulations implementing the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, concerning collections of information can be found at 5 CFR 1320. Section 1320.3(f)(1) states: "Display means: In the case of forms, questionnaires, instructions, and other written collections of information sent or made available to potential respondents (other than in an electronic format), to place the currently valid OMB control number on the front page of the collection of information."

States may, at their option, move the OMB control number and the expiration date to the bottom of the form to alleviate confusion. OCSE will examine the placement of the expiration date during the next review of the form.

If you have questions regarding this subject, please contact Paige Biava of my staff at (202) 401-5635.