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Photo: of a biplane on the ground, with pilot & passenger tied to plane with a  rope.
Henri Farman seated at the controls of one of his biplanes, France 1913.

Technical Reports and Standards

 Hours: Monday - Friday  8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Contact TRS)

The Technical Reports and Standards Unit (TRS) of the Library of Congress holds one of the largest accessible collections of technical reports and standards in the world:

  •  Technical Reports - Over 3 million in microform, CD and paper.
  •  Standards - Thousands in paper, microform, CD and online.

About Technical Reports and Standards
The Technical Reports Collection
The Standards Collection
Databases and Electronic Resources

Locating Technical Reports and Standards in the Library of Congress
Obtaining Technical Reports and Standards from the Library of Congress

United States Copyright restrictions prevent copying entire copyrighted documents. However, the fair use provision does permit reproduction of relevant portions (small parts) of these documents. Photocopiers, microform reader/printers and computer terminals are available for patron use in the Science Reading Room. TRS materials are non-circulating and are not to leave the Science Reading Room area.

Science Reference Services - Business Reference Services

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  The Library of Congress >> Researchers
  February 12, 2009
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