XMM-Newton Users Handbook

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1 Glossary

Acronym Explanation
ACIS Chandra CCD Imaging Spectrograph
AHF Attitude History File
AMS Archival Management Subsystem
AO Announcement of Opportunity
AOCS Attitude and Orbit Control and Measurement Subsystem
CAMEX CMOS Amplifier and Multiplexer Chip
CCD Charge Coupled Device
CCF Current Calibration File
Chandra Chandra X-Ray Observatory
CTE Charge Transfer Efficiency
CTI Charge Transfer Inefficiency
DPU Digital Processing Unit
EPIC European Photon Imaging Camera
ERMS EPIC Radiation Monitor Subsystem
ESAC European Space Astronomy Centre
FAQ OM Field Acquisition
FITS Flexible Image Transport System
FOV Field Of View
FWHM Full Width at Half Maximum
GO Guest Observer
GT Guaranteed Time
GUI Graphical User Interface
HEASARC (NASA) High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center
HED High Energy Detector (of the ERMS)
HER RGS high event rate (selectable mode)
HETG (Chandra) High Energy Transmission Grating
HEW Half Energy Width
HRC (Chandra) High Resolution Camera
LED Low Energy Detector (of the ERMS)
LETG (Chandra) Low Energy Transmission Grating
LSF Line-spread Function
MCP Micro-Channel Plate
MIC Micro-Channel Plate Intensified CCD
MIP Minimum Ionising Particle
MOS Metal Oxide Semi-conductor
MPM RGS Multipointing Mode
OCB On-Chip Binning
ODF Observation Data File
OM Optical Monitor
OTAC Observatory Time Allocation Committee
PHA Pulse Height Analyser
PHS Proposal Handling Subsystem
PI Principal Investigator
PIMMS Portable, Interactive Multi-Mission Simulator
PPS Pipeline Processing Subsystem
PSF Point-Spread Function
PV Performance Verification
QE Quantum Efficiency
RAF Raw Attitude File
RFC RGS Focal Camera
RFS Refreshed Frame Store (readout mode of EPIC MOS)
RGA Reflection Grating Assembly (of the RGS)
RGS Reflection Grating Spectrometer
RPE Relative Pointing Error
RPS Remote Proposal Submission software
SAS Science Analysis Software
SciSim XMM-Newton Science Simulator
SDF Slew Data File
SOC XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre
SSC Survey Science Centre
UHB XMM-Newton Users Handbook
URL Unique Resource Location
UT Universal Time
$W90$ 90% energy width
WWW World Wide Web
XID X-ray source identification (by the SSC)
XMM-Newton X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission
XRPS XMM-Newton Remote Proposal Submission software
XSA XMM-Newton Science Archive

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre