"Table 2 Scheduled Rural Intercity Transportation Coverage by Mode ",,,, ,Air,Rail,Bus,Ferry Total Rural Population Coverage (Millions),58.0,34.6,72.9,0.1 Percent of Rural Population Covered,70.5%,42.0%,88.5%,0.1% Sole Mode for Rural Population (Millions),2.4,0.3,14.4,<0.1 Number of States by Percent of Population Covered,,,, - 100% of rural population,4,1,2,0 - 90-99% of rural population,3,1,20,0 - 80-89% of rural population,8,1,10,0 - 70-79% of rural population,7,3,12,0 - 60-69% of rural population,13,5,1,0 - 50-59% of rural population,7,3,3,0 - 40-49% of rural population,5,9,1,0 - 30-39% of rural population,3,8,0,0 - 20-29% of rural population,0,11,0,0 - 1-19% of rural population,0,5,0,2 - No coverage of rural population,0,3,1,48, "NOTE: Interstate ferry serivce is the sole accessible mode of intercity transportation for 1,877 rural Alaska residents.",,,,, " SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics’ April 2005 analysis of the U.S. scheduled intercity transportation network. ",,,,,