Press Room


March 29, 2000

Deputy Assistant Secretary (Public Affairs) Michelle A. Smith
Testimony Before the Senate Finance Committee

Thank you Chairman Roth, Senator Moynihan and members of the Committee for the opportunity to appear before you today. At the outset, I would like to recognize two people in the audience who play very important roles in my life: my husband Blake and our daughter Madeleine. Their love and support -- as well as the love and support of other members of my family in Texas -- make it all worthwhile.

Mr. Chairman, I consider it a great honor and a privilege to have been recommended by Secretary Summers and nominated by President Clinton to be Assistant Secretary for public Affairs for the Treasury Department.

I began my career working in the mailroom for the former chairman of this distinguished committee, Senator Lloyd Bentsen. In 1992 I became deputy press secretary on his personal staff, working closely with his long-time adviser and press secretary, Jack DeVore. Their example continues to inspire me to the highest ideals of public service.

For the past seven years it has been my privilege to serve in Treasury's Office of Public Affairs under three exceptional leaders: Secretaries Bentsen, Rubin and Summers. Each has taught me a great deal. Above all, they have demonstrated the importance of an unfailing commitment to earning the public trust through truthfulness and honest dealings. By their actions, they have shown me that this is not only a vital ingredient of our dealings here at home but our relations abroad, as well. If confirmed, I will continue to dedicate myself -- and the Office of Public Affairs -- to maintaining the high standards of excellence they have set for responsiveness and openness with the American people, their representatives in Congress and with members of the press.

In closing, Mr. Chairman, I'd like to express my deep gratitude to Secretary Summers. For seven years, I have depended on his sound professional and personal guidance and I have been inspired by his courage to do what is right.

Thank you again, Mr. Chairman, for the opportunity to appear before the Committee today. I would be pleased to answer any questions you or the Committee might have.