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Environmental Justice Achievement Awards

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The 2009 Environmental Justice Achievement Awards will recognize mutli-stakeholder partnerships for their success in addressing environmental justice issues or by adopting the goals of environmental justice to positively impact their community.

The goals of the Environmental Justice Awards Program include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. promoting positive behavior on environmental justice issues by all stakeholder groups,
  2. documenting models of success for others to emulate,
  3. encouraging achievement of environmental results in communities having environmental justice issues, and
  4. fostering collaborative problem solving by all stakeholder organizations to address significant environmental justice concerns.

To be considered for the award, mutli-stakeholder parternships will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. partnerships and collaboration
  2. innovation
  3. community, equity, and public involvement
  4. environmental justice integration
  5. leveraged resources/capacity building/sustainability
  6. demonstrated results/effectiveness

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Recent Awards

On October 21, 2008, EPA announced 12 winners of its first annual Environmental Justice Achievement Awards. The awards were given to organizations in the following categories:

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  1. Academic institutions
  2. Community based organizations
  3. Non-governmental and environmental organizations
  4. State and local government organizations
  5. Tribal government and indigenous organizations

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Requests for Applications

On February 12, 2009, a new announcement was released for the Environmental Justice Achievement Awards Program was released.  The 2009 National Achievements in Environmental Justice Awards (PDF) (3 pp, 1.8MB) will recognize multi-stakeholder partnerships for their success in addressing environmental justice issues. The application period for 2009 has closed, and EPA will anounce winners in the Fall of 2009.

Multi-stakeholder partnerships refer to the arrangement in which stakeholders work together to achieve goals.  Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships bring together diverse organizations with multiple perspectives and interests to address these issues.  Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships, for the purpose of addressing environmental justice issues, consist of various partners representing viewpoints from the following types of organizations:

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