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Romania Local time: 03:01 PM

CS Intern Mihaela Paun

In the course of my time with the Embassy, of all the things I did one stands out. I helped organise an Ambassadorial Road Show in the United States. The event covered New York, Washington and Atlanta. I was happy to help and even happier when I was left in charge of the arrangements at a time when the CS was a hive of activity.

I worked on many aspects of The Ambassador’s visit to the United States of America, ranging from logistical issues to liaising with representatives of the business sector both in Romania and elsewhere in the States. The Road Show included calls on the Romanian Ambassador and several public engagements.

What I found particularly challenging about the CS was the complexity of the underlying issues that came up every day. And this is where I must take the time to thank my boss very much indeed, Ms Cindy Biggs, for the quietly determined way in which she addressed the different challenges we faced. This will most certainly serve me well in future engagements of this sort.

Working for the CS is always unpredictable. As with any job of this kind you have to be able to think on your feet. And that is because you can never have twenty-twenty foresight of what will happen next. I liked the sensitivity with which we handled the workload and the minimal fuss which surrounded our work.

Whatever your reason for considering this internship there is one thing you should always bear in mind: you will find here real characters, and will make lots of friends. You will enjoy the unfailing good-humour of the staff and have good fun.

I am now leaving Romania for the United Kingdom to continue my studies but I look forward to returning to the CS in due course.

If you need any other informal info on the internship I should be happy to help. You can reach me at or you can email , CS Internship Co-ordinator.

Mihaela Paun
Mihaela Paun
Mihaela Paun
Mihaela Paun
Mihaela Paun