Thursday, August 27, 2009

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Seminars with Solutions...Guaranteed!

Learning opportunities to develop careers and improve operations

10/14- 10/16/2009 Achieving Warehouse Success:
A Guide to Managing an Effective Operation

If you're in a supervisory or managerial position in a warehouse setting, here's a perfect opportunity to build or refresh your knowledge. Understand ways to make the most of all three of your basic resources - space, equipment and labor. This three-day seminar offers a powerful methodology for planning, managing, and controlling your warehouse operations.

EXPERTISE Thomas L. Tanel is internationally recognized for his presentations on warehouse management. With over 35 years of experience in the industry, he brings a practical perspective to his presentations and consistently achieves the highest ratings from attendees.
VALUE Registration fee includes continental breakfast and lunch each day and a 480-page reference manual.
SAVE Reasonable hotel and seminar rates.





The ONLY educational program of its kind specifically geared

to the needs of warehouse and distribution management.

front cover.jpg

Practical Warehousing:  A training program for warehouse associates

This publication offers 5 sections that explain common warehousing terms, concepts, processes and procedures. It is a training primer for new warehousing associates and an ideal way to get your front line associates up to speed quickly while allowing you to customize the program for your particular operation.

Non-members pay $125


Warehouse Manager’s Guide For Benchmarking

Unleash the power of benchmarking for your warehouse! Learn why it’s important to benchmark, the different kinds of benchmarking, how to choose the right metrics, how to analyze your company’s performance, and techniques for communicating within your organization to get the results you need. Find out how to develop a performance benchmarking strategy specifically for your facility.

Non-members pay $110.

Warehousing Education and Research Council is the only association dedicated to warehousing and distribution professionals.