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Additional Guidance on Agronomic Performance Data of Corn

Corn, in addition to being the most widely grown crop in the United States, is the most frequently targeted crop for improvements through genetic engineering.  Fortunately, much is known about the biology of this crop, and the high degree of familiarity is helpful in risk assessments.  In developing crop data requirements, APHIS considers the biology of the crop, interactions with the environment, and the nature of the inserted gene.  In the case of corn, key biological features of the plant are that it has no sexually compatible relatives in the United States, it does not  tend toward weediness, and it is wind pollinated.  The nature of the inserted gene is also considered. Some data requirements may be specific according to the function of the gene.  Other data requirements are more general and are aimed at determining that the engineered crop does not have unanticipated effects that would that would render it phenotypically different than a near isogenic control.

Recommended Parameters


For corn, the following list comprises factors which would be appropriate for inclusion in a data package and that would support a decision that the engineered plant was unchanged from a near isogenic control except for the desired change.

Germination and Seedling Emergence - Standard laboratory germination tests and field emergence measurements will be useful to indicate not only general seed quality and viability, but also to detect changes in dormancy characteristics. 

Growth Habit - Plant should be observed for any changes in basic morphology of the plant.  Quantitative data must be included.  Possible parameters might include, but are not limited to plant height, ear height, stalk diameter, number of leaves, and leaf area index.

Vegetative vigor. - This might include plant biomass accumulation over time, vigor ratings, etc

Days to pollen shed; duration of pollen shed - For corn the number of days to 50 percent pollination may be the appropriate.  Also growing degree days (GDD) or some similar measure of heat units may be used instead of  days to allow for comparison across sites.  Days to silking may be substituted as an appropriate indicator of plants having reached reproductive stage.

Days to maturity - Physiological maturity indicates that the seeds are fully mature and that the crop is suitable for harvesting.  At maturity, milk has disappeared from all kernels and has been  replaced by hard starch.  The formation of the “black layer” at the base of each kernel indicates abscission from the cob.  Applicants may substitute other types of observations indicative of the progression toward maturity such as “dry down” or late-season greenness ratings, time to stages which shortly precede maturity such as milk or dough.  Again, growing degree days (GDD) or some similar measure of heat units may be used instead of days.

Yield - Corn yield as traditionally measured on a per area basis

Pollen Parameters - Pollen should be analyzed in such a way that changes in viability and/or dispersal could be detected.  The proportion of viable pollen and, the duration of viability are recommended parameters.  Changes in physical parameters such as stickiness, shape, and weight that might affect the viability or performance of the pollen should also be addressed.

Data Types and its Description


While objective, numerical data are most desirable, APHIS recognizes that not all parameters easily lend themselves to these types of measurements.  In some cases data may be taken using subjective ratings using a descriptive scale.  In other cases, data may be purely observational.  What is required in all cases is that the methodologies are described in detail, such that the reader has an accurate understanding of the nature of the data and number of data points which make up a study and on which conclusions are drawn.  For example, is the unit on which data is taken a leaf, a plant, a row, or some other unit?  describe the total number of observations by describing numbers of replicate samples, rows, replicate blocks, locations, etc. 

Numbers of Sites and Years


The above data should be collected on a number of sites sufficient to represent the major growing regions to be targeted by the product.  In addition, the sites should be selected in such a way as to ensure exposure to a reasonably wide range of environmental conditions.  One way to increase the likelihood that plants are exposed to varied environmental conditions is through multi-year testing.  In general, APHIS recommends 8 sites minimum per year in multi-year (at least 2) data packages in which these sites would represent the major producing states in the target area for the product.  If data are to be all from a single year, the geographic range should be expanded to include minor growing regions such that more varied environmental conditions are likely to be encountered.  In general, a minimum of 16 sites representing both the major producing states and other climatologically varied regions is recommended if all data are from a single year.  More sites can provide a better context in which to interpret field data, especially when anomalous data are encountered.


Last Modified: April 27, 2007

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