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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Institutional Training Programs (T32s)

Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN

School of Medicine


Stephen M. Downs, M.D.
Program Director
Department of Pediatrics
School of Medicine
Indiana University
410 West 10th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Content Areas

  • Health services and clinical research methods.
  • Biostatics.
  • Medical informatics.
  • Research ethics.
  • Translational research.
  • Scientific writing and grant preparation.
  • Translating Research into Practice and Policy (TRIPP).
  • Patient Safety and Quality.
  • Quality Improvement.

Program Description

The Indiana Health Services Research (I-HSR) Training Program will prepare talented clinical and interdisciplinary investigators to conduct research that will improve the health of children and adults by optimizing access, quality and cost effectiveness of health services and translating research into practice and policy.

There are three main components to the I-HSR Training Program:

  1. Completion of a two-year formal curriculum, at the end of which the trainee will receive either a Master's degree in public health, clinical research or in another field of interest such as informatics, or health administration.
  2. Participation in the Health Services Research Seminar Series.
  3. Active involvement in health services or TRIPP research under the mentorship of an I-HSR faculty member.

Trainees who complete the I-HSR program will develop core competencies in health services and clinical research methods, biostatics, medical informatics, clinical trials, system redesign, research ethics, translational research, scientific writing, and grant preparation. In addition, they will be provided with a structured research mentoring program linked to an explicit timeline with benchmarks. This combination of didactic coursework and supervised research experience will result in the development and/or enhancement of trainees' research skills and knowledge, which are necessary for a career in health services research. We believe that formal coursework is most meaningful when applied to research in which the trainee is actively engaged. Therefore our training program is an integrated program where the formal classroom curriculum complements and parallels the trainee's research.

All trainees will be expected to complete 2 years of training.


Current as of August 2008

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Internet Citation:

Institutional Training Programs (T32s): Indiana University. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care