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BRS Programs and Functions


BRS has Policy Coordination, Environmental Risk Analysis, Regulatory Operations, and Resource Management Programs. Read the descriptions below to learn more about these programs and the various branches within them.

Office of the Deputy Administrator
Oversees the programs that ensure safe development of genetically engineered organisms to protect America's agricultural and the environment.

Office of Science
The Office of Science ensures that BRS regulation is grounded in state-of-the-art science by acting as a liaison between BRS and the research, regulatory, and stakeholder communities.

Policy Coordination Programs
The Policy Coordination Programs include the Regulatory and Environmental Analysis Branch, the Animals Branch, and the Communication and International Affairs Branch. These branches serve as the point of contact for several federal and state agencies in developing APHIS biotechnology regulatory policy; conducting communication and outreach to the public and stakeholders; engaging in international dialogue; and providing international capacity building assistance.

Environmental Risk Analysis Programs
The Environmental Risk Analysis Programs include the Plants Branch and the Plant Pests and Protectants Branch. Together, these branches address potential environmental impacts of genetically engineered organisms on the environment by conducting risk assessments of these products. ERAP has experts in scientific fields (e.g., plant pathology, botany, animal science, entomology, virology, ecology, environmental science, molecular biology, and biochemistry) who review permit applications, petitions for deregulation, potential permit infractions, and proposed regulatory changes.

Regulatory Operations Programs
The Regulatory Operations Programs include the Compliance and Inspection Branch and the Document Management Branch. Together, these branches manage the administrative portion of notification acknowledgement and permit issuance for all introductions of genetically engineered organisms; direct compliance inspections; respond to noncompliance incidents; and maintain records of notifications and permits, which can include field reports and compliance inspections.

Resource Management Programs
The Resource Management Programs include the Resources Support Services Branch and the Technical Services Branch. These branches manage all aspects of administrative and information technology functions within the organization.


Last Modified: August 28, 2008

An ISO certified program
ISO 9001:2000
FM 535173