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Children Performers - 17 & Younger

Helping keep your young performers safe is our first priority. 
Please implement the following:

For everyone's protection children performers are not allowed to be here by themselves. Assign at least 1 person (your head chaperone, Stage Manager, etc.) to be the first one here and the last to leave. This person should also have a list of all Parent and child performer cell phone numbers, and any notes about who is riding with who.   Notes should also be made if a child is not allowed to ride with, or be picked up by some persons, example: non-custodial parent.

Assign someone to coordinate the tasks of the Chaperones. If one person can't do it all, have several parents split the work.

For their own safety children performers should not be dropped off before the daily starting time listed in your Rental Contract. There won't be anyone here to let them in and we don't want them waiting outside by themselves.  Also please stress that they be picked up on time.  Please make alternate transportation arrangements (carpool/ride sharing) for those cast members who have difficulties with this requirement, or schedule additional building time.  
One half hour before and after their scheduled 'call'/arrival and departure times is usually sufficient.

'Overtime/Unscheduled Use' building rental fees will apply if your cast members or staff arrive early or leave late because this puts our staff into overtime.

Strongly suggest car-pooling and have a backup plan ready if someone cannot get a ride.

Adequate adult supervision is required. You are required to provide at least two chaperones.  Performers over 18 are not to be considered Chaperones for younger performers. Chaperones should generally be: Parents, Instructors or Teacher's Assistants.

A suggested ratio is 1 adult for each 10 (additional) young performers. Additional chaperones may be required depending on the individual needs of the event and the age/behavior of the performers.

For safety and insurance reasons the casting/use of performers under the age of 6 is strongly discouraged and may not be allowed.

If parents are concerned about where their children will be and who will be watching them, have a meeting (at your studio) to "meet the chaperones", and/or schedule some extra time to meet everyone on your first rehearsal day at the KiMo.

For personal security reasons other family members and friends of the performers are not allowed backstage at any time unless they are scheduled to be here as part of your working staff & crew.  This specifically includes, if they arrive to pick up a performer before the performer is able to leave.  They may not even step inside the stage door as it is located in an exceptionally small Fire Exit stairwell, they MUST wait outside. 
If a performer needs assistance with moving costumes or other items in or out of the building please assign the task to a chaperone or another of your crew/staff members.


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