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Employment Discrimination

Your rights to equal employment opportunities are protected by federal and state laws and the Albuquerque Human Rights Ordinance. Equal Employment Opportunity means you cannot be denied employment or be treated differently because of your:

  • Race
  • Color
  • National Origin
  • Ancestry
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Disability
  • Age

Employment discrimination is against the law in Albuquerque. Complaints of discrimination are investigated in the areas of:

  • Hiring, firing, layoff
  • Advertising
  • Promotion, demotions and assignments
  • Terms and conditions of employment

It is also unlawful to:

  • Threaten,
  • Intimidate, or
  • Interfere with

any individual's rights to equal employment.

Some Common Examples of Employment Discrimination:

  • I applied for a position within my company that I believe I am qualified for. I was not given an interview and later learned that everyone interviewed was much younger than I.
  • My boss asked me to go out on a date and I refused. A week later, he gave me a disciplinary warning saying that I had a "bad attitude."
  • After working for the same company for several years, I became pregnant and my manager told me she was going to cut back on my hours and place me in a different, lower-paid position because I could not do the same work.

Technical Assistance and Training for Employers

As an employer, it is your duty to understand and practice Equal Employment Opportunity. If you need more information, or would like AHRO staff to come to your place of work for training or presentations, please contact our office. There is no fee for services.

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