BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Ready to Export?

You are an American company ready to export to Europe but don't know where to start...

You have read the market research but would prefer further confirmation...

QuickTake is the service you need!

QuickTake (QT) is a fast, Europe-wide, coordinated counseling service for qualified American companies.

For $750, up to 28 market specialists at U.S. Embassies in Europe who monitor priority industry sectors will give you -within 15 business days- a concise report covering your product's current demand, future demand, competition, standards, partners, next steps and more.

Click here to request a QT.

ready to do business


DownloadQuickTake Brochure

Everything about QuickTake at a glance. Download the QuickTake brochure to find out how you can benefit from this program!

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