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Hazardous Wastes Quick Finder

Corrective Action Definition of Solid Waste Management of Recalled Toys Manifests Mixed Wastes PCBs Permitting and E-permitting Public ParticipationPriority Chemicals Requirements for TSDFs Test Methods Transporters Universal Wastes Waste Identification
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National Partnership for Environmental Priorities is part of EPA's effort to reduce priority and toxic chemical use.

Household Hazardous Wastes are common household items that contain toxic chemicals and should be handled properly.

Key Resources




DSW Compendium of Resources

Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest (PDF) (1 pg, 93K, About PDF)

SW-846 Test Methods

Hazardous waste is waste that is dangerous or potentially harmful to our health or the environment. Hazardous wastes can be liquids, solids, gases, or sludges. They can be discarded commercial products, like cleaning fluids or pesticides, or the by-products of manufacturing processes.

Learn more about hazardous waste and the regulations that govern it:

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