
A&T has set aggressive goals with critical underlying strategic and operational initiatives that have already increased competition, reduced cycle time, and broadened communications. Fact sheets on our leading initiatives are made available here in print-ready form.

AbilityOne Program Expanding Opportunities

The AbilityOne Program is the largest source of employment, on Federal contracts, for individuals who are blind or have other severe disabilities in the United States.

Led by DPAP

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Acquisition of Services

Bringing the same level of management and discipline to DoD's acquisition of services, as is applied to the acquisition of weapons and information systems.

Led by DPAP

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Business Process Review of Rocket Motors

In March 2007, the Concept Decision (CD) Review of the Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM) directed the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (DUSD) for Acquisition and Technology (A&T) to lead a Business Process Review to determine whether the projected 54-60 month development/certification time for rocket motors can be streamlined.

Led by PSA

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Civil-Military Integration of the Industrial Base

The Department of Defense is committed to expanding industry participation in the defense enterprise in order to improve its ability to procure the weapons systems and supplies needed by Warfighters.

Led by IP

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Competency-Based Management

Consistent with requirements of the Quadrennial Defense Review, the DoD Human Capital Strategy, and the Acquisition, Technology & Logistics (AT&L) Human Capital Strategic Plan, DPAP and the Department's Senior Procurement Executives are working together with the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) to pursue a competency-based approach to workforce management for the DoD-wide Contracting Workforce.

Led by DPAP

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Contingency Contracting Updated Item

Lessons learned from contingency operations in support of the Global War on Terrorism and in support of domestic disaster and emergency operations have illuminated the need for innovative policy, guidance, and oversight to facilitate effective and efficient contracting support.

Led by DPAP

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Continuous Process Improvement Using Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has been beneficial as a tool used to support SSE's commitment to continuous process improvement (CPI) as we operate as a team of civil service and contractor staff and execute Six Sigma projects together.

Led by SSE

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Defense Priorities and Allocation System (DPAS)

Managing industrial resources to prioritize national defense and emergency preparedness.

Led by IP

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Effective Management of Interagency Acquisition

In a period of increased budgets and finite manpower, Interagency Acquisitions (IAs) are a valuable tool used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to leverage the Government's buying power by utilizing other agencies to establish, award, and administer contracts and orders for good and services on its behalf.

Led by DPAP

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Enabling Effective Project Management

The Earned Value Management System (EVMS) is a widely accepted industry best practice for project management that is being used across the Department of Defense (DoD), the federal government and the commercial sector.

Led by DCMA

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Energy Efficiency Starts with the Acquisition Process

Reforming DoD purchasing practices in order to implement reforms that will increase energy efficiency, provide operational forces greater flexibility, and reduce dependence on logistics infrastructure.

Led by SSE

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Expanding Opportunities for Small Disadvantaged Businesses

Providing incentives for major DoD contractors to assist disadvantaged small businesses, to enhance their capabilities to perform as subcontractors and viable suppliers.

Led by OSBP

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Green Procurement

In FY2004, DoD established a formal Green Procurement Program (GPP) to enhance and sustain mission readiness while protecting the environment.

Led by DPAP

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Program Manager Empowerment and Accountability

Enhancing the role of program managers in DoD's acquisition process, as required by Section 853 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007.

Led by PSA

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Program Support Reviews

Revitalizing systems engineering throughout DoD by identifying and resolving issues and risks to help improve program success.

Led by SSE

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Robotics Technology Consortium New Item

Learn more about how the DoD, Industry and Academia partner to develop innovative robotics technology.

Led by PSA

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Supporting Strategic Investment Decisions

Producing stable, predictable outcomes from strategic and tactical acquisition, by supporting future capability determination efforts.

Led by JAC

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System Assurance

Mitigating risks to DoD systems from the increased use of commercial software and globalization of software development.

Led by SSE

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Systemic Root Cause Analysis

In 2004, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics USD(AT&L) established a policy to revitalize systems engineering throughout the Department of Defense (DoD).

Led by SSE

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Systems Engineering

Reinvigorating systems engineering to establish better cost controls and to improve DoD acquisition programs through revamped policy, guidance, education and training, program support and outreach.

Led by SSE

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Technological Innovation Through Small Businesses

Supporting technological innovation by funding research and development projects at small technology companies and non-profit research institutions.

Led by OSBP

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Page Last Upated: November 25, 2008