Program Manager Empowerment and Accountability


Section 853 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, Public Law 109-364, requires that the Secretary of Defense develop a comprehensive strategy for enhancing the role of Department of Defense (DoD) program managers (PMs) in developing and carrying out defense acquisition programs. The legislation requires the new strategy to address nine separate issues and also directs DoD to revise guidance on qualifications, resources, responsibilities, tenure, and accountability of PMs before and after Milestone B.

DoD has also adopted five criteria to create an environment that fosters acquisition excellence:

  1. An acquisition agenda that is aligned with DoD core values, policy objectives, Joint capability needs, and available resources
  2. Risk, outcomes, schedule, and cost are balanced when planning and adjusting portfolios, programs and requirements
  3. Acquisition execution is improved across the total life cycle, by using sound business and technical practices
  4. Customer demands and Warfighter Joint Urgent Operational Needs (JUON) are promptly and efficiently fulfilled
  5. Capability is fielded to meet Warfighter needs

These criteria are described in depth in the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD(AT&L)) Strategic Goals Implementation Plan, and are supported by the AT&L Human Capital Strategic Plan (HCSP).

Report to Congress

As required by section 853 of the Act, DoD has assessed the impact of its new initiatives to transform defense acquisition, and delivered a report to Congress. The August 2007 report found that the strategy to improve acquisition outcomes and enhance the PM’s role, relies both on the environment in which the PM works and on the provision of appropriate support for individuals who are, or aspire to be, PMs.

The first section of the report, “Big A,” details initiatives in progress that focus on the five criteria above and specifically addresses why and how satisfying the criteria is an integral part of the Department’s comprehensive strategy to enhance the role of DoD PMs.

The second section of the report, “little a,” addresses specific DoD initiatives to provide support and incentives for current and future PMs. These initiatives are grouped into three categories: PM development and incentives, knowledge sharing, and stability and support. The report then describes the effort between the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the component agencies to ensure the most effective and efficient implementation of the separate initiatives.

The congressional report cross references each DoD initiative with the list of issues to be addressed that is specified in the Act. In accordance with the Act, DoD has already issued a memorandum directing tenure agreements and program management agreements (PMAs).

DoD recognizes the critical role PMs play in developing and fielding weapons systems. The comprehensive strategy detailed in the Report to Congress on Program Manager Empowerment and Accountability, demonstrates a focused effort by the Department to improve the role of PMs, by addressing both strategic and tactical issues associated with outcomes.

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