A&T Organization

With more than 11,000 dedicated professionals, A&T's oversight and policy direction reaches across the Department of Defense (DoD), improving acquisition processes, major defense systems, software and systems engineering, developmental testing, industrial base preparedness, contracting, and small business programs. Six Directorates comprise A&T: Defense Procurement, Acquisition Policy and Strategic Sourcing, Industrial Policy, Joint Advanced Concepts, Office of Small Business Programs, Portfolio Systems Acquisition and Systems & Software Engineering. Additionally, A&T oversees the Defense Acquisition University and the Defense Contract Management Agency, which provide premier workforce training, and education, and world class contract management and administration services, respectively.

Acquisition & Technology

Honorable Dr. James I. Finley

Within the A&T organization, there are eight separate departments that offer incredible value to the Department of Defense. For more information about our organization, read the overviews below.

More About A&T
  • Business Manager
  • Confidential Assistant
  • Special Assistant
  • Military Assistant
    • Admin Assistant
    • Office Manager

Defense Acquisition University (DAU)

Mr. Frank Anderson
Provides training, knowledge sharing and continuous learning opportunities to AT&L workforce
More About DAU

Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)

Mr. Charlie E. Williams
Offers acquisition management services to America's military and contributes to our military readiness
More About DCMA

Defense Procurement, Acquisition Policy, and Strategic Sourcing (DPAP)

Mr. Shay Assad
Manages acquisition and procurement policy matters and makes sure equipment and services are delivered effectively
More About DPAP

Industrial Policy (IP)

Mr. Bill Greenwalt
Establishes and sustains cost-effective industrial and technological capabilities that assure military readiness
More About IP

Joint Advanced Concepts (JAC)

Mr. Raleigh Durham
Integrates and implements policies regarding systems integration and interoperability of systems used in combat
More About JAC

Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP)

Mr. Anthony Martoccia
703-604-0157 x138
Develops small business policy and provides oversight to all matters related to small business
More About OSBP

Portfolio Systems Acquisition (PSA)

Mr. David Ahern
Oversees and provides insight for Department of Defense strategic and tactical acquisition programs
More About PSA

Systems & Software Engineering (SSE)

Mr. Gordon M. Kranz
Establishes policies and procedures related to systems and software engineering and provides technical insight
More About SSE

Page Last Upated: October 31, 2008