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Status of Stocks & Multispecies Assessments


Selected Publications

2004 North Pacific Groundfish Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Reports for 2005  

Precautionary Principle in North Pacific Groundfish Management - Summary paper
(January 1997) Written by Dr. Grant Thompson. This article provides and explanation of how the precautionary principle is implemented in the management of the North Pacific groundfish fisheries.

A Guide to Stock Assessment of Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Groundfish
(September 1997) written by David Witherell (NPFMC) and James Ianelli (NMFS, AFSC).
This article provides the layman with a general understanding of how quotas for groundfish in the BS/AI are established and the various tools used by the scientists to assess fish stocks

Catch-per-Unit-Effort, Length, and Depth Distributions of Major Groundfish and Bycatch Species in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska Regions Based on Groundfish Fishery Observer Data. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC-88.
(March 1998) Written by Lowell Fritz, Angie Gregg, and Rebecca Rueter

McAllister, M. K., and Ianelli, J. N. 1997. Bayesian stock assessment using catch-age data and the sampling-importance resampling algorithm. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54:284-300.pdf.

Selected Presentations

December 2002 North Pacific Fishery Management Council (in PowerPoint):
BSAI Plan Team Presentation
GOA Plan Team Presentation

Trends in North Pacific Pollock and Cod and 2003 Harvest Prognosis (in PowerPoint):
Outlook paper (by J. Ianelli)

Selected Posters

Using Fishing Vessels to Collect Acoustic Data for Scientific Purposes: Preliminary Results from Midwater Trawlers in the Eastern Bering Sea Walleye Pollock Fishery (by  Martin W. Dorn, William A. Karp, Vidar G. Wespestad, James Ianelli, Terrance J. Quinn II)

A Model Exploring Changes in the Small-scale Distribution of Fish Due to Environmental Variability and the Presence of a Fishery, and Consequent Effects on Predator Foraging Efficiency (by Michiyo Shima and Anne B. Hollowed)

Interpretation of acoustic data at two frequencies to discriminate between fish aggregations of different species compositions (By Elizabeth A. Logerwell and Chris Wilson)

Probabilistic short-term forecasts of Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock abundance and yield from an age-structured assessment model and multiple pre-recruit surveys (By Martin W. Dorn and Bernard A. Megrey)


Status of Stocks
Stock Assessments
Data Maps