Land Surface Temperature over California from MODIS

  • Credit

    Z. Wan, MODIS Land Science Team

A sample MOD11 Level-2 Land Surface Temperature (LST) image generated from Terra MODIS data in bands 31 and 32 on April 4, 2000 (19:15 UTC) in California and Nevada, is displayed in an original color composite with LST, and brightness temperatures in bands 31 and 20 as RGB components. The dark area in lower left corner is Pacific ocean. The noisy spots in grey are broken clouds. The sites on the left side of symbols A, B, C, and D are Lake Tahoe, Mono Lake, Railroad Valley, and Death Valley. The coincident IR radiometer measurement data over Mono Lake agree with the MODIS LST value within 1.2K.

(MODIS Product: MOD11; Product Level: 2; MODIS Data Type: MODIS-PFM)


  • Sensor

  • Visualization Date
