

BLM Colorado Launches E-News

Welcome to the first edition of E-News hosted by BLM Colorado to further our efforts in community outreach. E-News is a quarterly newsletter that will be available on the BLM Colorado Web site.

E-News is broken into three areas of public interest; energy, recreation and conservation. Every month we will feature stories related to one or all of these topics. People can subscribe to E-News on the state Web site to receive an email when a new issue is released.

“We intend to provide the public with information about the BLM and the public's land that is clear and easily accessible,” said Steven Hall, BLM Colorado Communications Director. 

New Subscribe to E-News!


Get involved with the lands you love by volunteering for the BLM

Though the calendar may say March, spring has sprung throughout much of Colorado.

For many Coloradans, the warm weather and change in seasons stir an urge to get outside and give back to the public lands they love.  Volunteering with the BLM is one way to scratch that itch to get out and get involved on your public lands. (Read More. . .)


High Demand for Trained Horses

These days, conversations are nearly impossible without using the words “budget,” “efficient” or “recession.” In BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro (WH&B) program the challenge remains, what is the most efficient way to manage wild horses and burros with a program budget in recession? (Read more. . .)


BLM Colorado Oil & Gas Breakdown for 2008

In fiscal year 2008, the Colorado BLM generated $407 million in mineral royalties, rent, and bonus payments. (Read More. . .)

For questions or comments about E-News contact Vanessa Delgado, BLM Colorado Public Affairs Specialist at colorado_news@blm.gov.